Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Sales Operation Tahun 2024


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Lowongan Kerja PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Sales Operation - PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Sales Operation berdiri sejak tahun 1973. DSO sebagai salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar yang bergerak di bidang distribusi, penjualan, dan after sales service Daihatsu yang manajemennya ditangani penuh oleh PT Astra International. DSO adalah distributor tunggal sekaligus retailer kendaraan merk Daihatsu. SDO bertanggung jawab mengelola distribusi produk Daihatsu kepada cabang maupun delaer, serta mengelola after sales service (bengkel & sparepart). Saat ini Daihatsu memegang peringkat kedua dalam market share otomotif nasional, sesudah Toyota. Dengan slogan Daihatsu “Innovation for Tomorrow” DSO melakukan inovasi dalam berbagai bidang serta memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan Daihatsu.

Saat ini PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Sales Operation kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Maret 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Sales Operation Tahun 2024


1. MT Administration Supervisor
Job Description :
Responsible for the registration of accounting in Astra Daihatsu branch
Responsible for create and budgeting of business planning in branches
Responsible for ensure all administrative processes in branch running well according to SOP

Requirement :
Min. Bachelor degree/S1 from Economic Accounting, Management, Finance, Administration
Max. 2 years working experience / fresh graduate / last semester student
Age maximum 27 years old
Passionate to work in automotive industry and have ambition to be a leader
Willing to be stationed throughout Indonesia is a MUST
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill and leadership skill
Have business sense and drive for result

2. MT Sales Supervisor
Job Description :
Responsible for leading sales team to achieve sales target of car units in Astra Daihatsu branch
Responsible for designing strategic business plans to expand customers
Responsible for building relationships with customers and understanding their needs

Requirement :
Min. Bachelor degree/S1 from All Major
Max. 2 years working experience / fresh graduate / last semester student
Age maximum 27 years old
Passionate to work in automotive industry and have ambition to be a leader
Willing to be stationed throughout Indonesia is a MUST
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill and leadership skill
Have business sense and drive for result

3. MT Workshop Supervisor
Job Description :
Responsible for leading and managing workshop in Astra Daihatsu branch
Responsible for ensure all workshop processes in branch running well according to SOP
Responsible for assist Workshop Head to achieve target unit entry and aftersales

Requirement :
Min. Bachelor degree/S1 from Engineering Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial or other relevant
Max. 2 years working experience / fresh graduate / last semester student
Age maximum 27 years old
Passionate to work in automotive industry and have ambition to be a leader
Willing to be stationed throughout Indonesia is a MUST
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill and leadership skill
Have business sense and drive for result

4. MT Part Sales Supervisor
Job Description :
Responsible for leading the part sales team to achieve sales target of amount spare part in Astra Daihatsu branch
Responsible for designing strategic business plans to expand customers
Responsible for building relationships with customers and understanding their needs

Requirement :
Min. Bachelor degree/S1 from Engineering Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial or other relevant
Max. 2 years working experience / fresh graduate / last semester student
Age maximum 27 years old
Passionate to work in automotive industry and have ambition to be a leader
Willing to be stationed throughout Indonesia is a MUST
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill and leadership skill
Have business sense and drive for result

5. Service Analyst (Workshop Planning & Development)
Job Description :
Responsible for analyze financial feasibility studies for new workshops, performance, SOP standard, as well as market demand conditions
Responsible for supervise workshop personel to ensure standard service quality & customer satisfaction

Requirement :
Bachelor degree / S1 from Informatic, Industrial Engineering
Max 2 years working experience / fresh graduate
Maximum age is 27 years old
Having experience in automotive data analytics field and in the same position is an advantage
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill, analytical skill
Placement Head Office at Sunter Jakarta Utara
Able to join ASAP

6. Marketing Planning Analyst
Job Description :
Responsible for review market landscape, forecast market dynamics trends and competition and suggest marketing strategies
Coordinate with marketing area, operation, and manufacturing
Strategize across functional areas
Find new market opportunities through digital analytics

Requirement :
Bachelor degree / S1 from Marketing, Business, Management, Industrial Engineering
Max 2 years working experience / fresh graduate
Maximum age is 27 years old
Having experience in marketing data analytics field and in the same position is an advantage
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill, analytical skill
Placement Head Office at Sunter Jakarta Utara
Able to join ASAP

7. Service Technical Analyst
Job Description :
Assist dealers on resolving technical issues/complaint, lead technical trouble-shooting in coordination with related Department
Identify potential technical issues, recommend, and communicate product specification improvement
Monitoring issue on Market and report to Manufacture

Requirement :
Bachelor degree / S1 from Mechanical, Eletrical Engineering
Max 2 years working experience / fresh graduate
Maximum age is 27 years old
Having experience in automotive workshop field or in the same position
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill, analytical skill
Placement Head Office at Sunter Jakarta Utara
Able to join ASAP

8. Logistic Administration Analyst
Job Description :
Responsible for ensuring all vendor payment and SOP runswell
Supervise innovation and improvement activity program

Requirement :
Bachelor degree / S1 from Management, Industrial Engineering or other relevant
Max 2 years working experience / fresh graduate
Maximum age is 27 years old
Having experience in Logistic field and in the same position is an advantage
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill, analytical skill
Placement Head Office at Sunter Jakarta Utara
Able to join ASAP

9. ESR & Security Analyst
Job Description :
Responsible for arranging and auditing of occupational health and safety programs & standard
Coordinating with goverment about the regulation and arranging corporate social responsibility programs

Requirement :
Bachelor degree / S1 from Industrial, Environment Engineering or other relevant
Max 2 years working experience / fresh graduate
Maximum age is 27 years old
Having experience in EHS/CSR field and in the same position is an advantage
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill, analytical skill
Placement Head Office at Sunter Jakarta Utara
Able to join ASAP

10. Building Investment Analyst
Scope Job : Project Management, Asset Management, Electrical Wiring, Site Development, General Affair

Requirement :
Bachelor degree / S1 from Civil, Electrical Engineering or other relevant
Max 2 years working experience / fresh graduate
Maximum age is 27 years old
Having experience in building project field and in the same position is an advantage
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill, analytical skill
Placement Head Office at Sunter Jakarta Utara
Able to join ASAP

11. Network Development Analyst
Job Description :
Responsible for arranging and auditing of occupational health and safety programs & standard
Coordinating with goverment about the regulation and arranging corporate social responsibility programs

Requirement :
Bachelor degree / S1 from from Management, Urban & Regional Planning, Industrial Engineering
Max 2 years working experience / fresh graduate
Maximum age is 27 years old
Having experience in related field and in the same position is an advantage
Have a good interpersonal skill, communication skill, analytical skill
Placement Head Office at Sunter Jakarta Utara
Able to join ASAP

Tata Cara Melamar:
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Paling lambat 31 Maret 2024

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